Peter Zhu & Associates is a CPA Public Practice
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Staff Profile
Peter Zhu, Principal, FCPA, Registered Tax Agent. Graduated from the Management School of Shanghai JiaoTong University, further Post-Graduate studied at Monash University, Swinburne University and Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia.
More than 25 years experience in Accounting, Taxation and Financial Planning areas. Prior to the establishment of his own practice in 2000, Peter was in charge of the Asian Division of TDB Associates in the provision of Taxation and Accounting Services.
Profile (English) |
Jay Lin, CPA, B.Bus, Accountant, originally from Hong Kong, graduated from the Sydney University of Technology, majoring in Accounting and Information Technology. Jay is a current member of CPA Australia, and is experienced in both Financial Accounting and Management Accounting. Prior to joining us in June 2007, Jay worked as a Company Accountant handling all of the financial and compliance matters. |
Jennifer Yang, B. Eng, Postgraduate Dip. IT, Assistant Accountant, currently studying towards qualifying in accounting and taxation areas.
Jennifer joined us in February 2004 and has developed solid accounting knowledge from the involvement in various Individual, Partnership, Trust, Company and Self-Managed Superannuation Funds tax matters. Her strong IT background also supports her working well with a wide range of accounting software, such as Handisoft, BGL Simple Fund, MYOB Accounting Package, & Cash Flow software. |
Florence Shen, B. Bus (Hon.) Assistant Accountant, and a MYOB Consultant. Florence is a current Member of CPA Australia who joined our firm in mid 2006. Her specialist areas are in MYOB Accounting software, payroll handling and import & export business, and is also involved in all aspects of compliance reporting preparation. |
Richard Yang, Holds a Master Degree of Professional Accounting from Deakin University and he is a member of CPA Australia. Richard joints our firm in August 2012. He has been involved preparation of the financial accounts for all kinds of the business structures and played an important role at our firm. |
Sherry Zhou CPA holds a Master Degree in Professional Accounting from the University of Sydney, and she is a qualified accountant, current member of the CPA Australia. Sherry joined our firm in August 2014 and is a senior accountant of our firm that plays important roles that involve all kinds of financial accounts and tax matters. |
Cindy Chen, holds Master of International Commerce (France), Master of Professional Accounting (Australia), member of CPA Australia. Cindy Joints our firm in Oct 2013. Cindy is an important team member that plays varies tasks including providing supporting roles to the senior accountants, provide general administrative and clerical supporting to the front desk functions etc. |
Zack Minhua Zheng, B. Bus (Monash), Master of Applied Finance (Monash), ASA
Zack graduates with multistream qualifications and joins us in September 2018, as a part-time intermediate accountant. He worked at financial accounts and assurance area. He is a member of CPA Australia and currently studying towards the full professional qualification. Zack has been played an important role in the assurance and financial accounts preparation function.
Dechang Gilbert Shang CPA, B.Bus (Victoria University) Master of Management (Melbourne University). He joins us in February 2022. Gilbert has solid accounting and taxation reporting experience, with over 6 years of experience in public practice and corporate companies. He is well equipped with the modern cloud-based system, and Gilbert is a qualified accountant with the full membership of CPA Australia.